Tag Archives: apparition

Newgate Mall Ghost

Newgate Mall Ghost

It is quick, and you have to watch a few times. It can go either way, I am not sure how hard it would be to spoof this, but then again, it feels like it is legit (at least innocently).

Lets have a look. Vote on it, and let’s discuss this ghost catch!

Ghost screaming in Hotel Room

Ghost screaming in Hotel Room

So I received a PM today from Debbie Burns Husband Jim. Points me in the direction of this freaky video. Real or fake, it is great. I would love to find out more about this but the further I dig the more I see the owners of this particular hotel are adamant in keeping their… Continue Reading

“Weeping Woman” in Venezuela

This is going to be my first installment of LEGENDS of PARANORMAL. I will research the myth and/or legend and show images and videos. Please do not hesitate to comment below on something you would like featured. The Weeping Woman (La Llorona) OVERVIEW Some people talk of the legend of La Llorona. They say they… Continue Reading

UK Pub Ghost

UK Pub Ghost

UK Pub Ghost Apparition caught on an unknown security camera that can not be explained. It could be many things, but I am ruling out a bug… it’s intriguing. As always view, rate and comment below! Thanks for watching. Continue Reading

Asylum Cemetary Ghost Caught

Asylum Cemetary Ghost Caught

TAPS, Ghost Hunters caught an apparition on their show the other day. It is a great find! Looks legit to me, but don’t take my word for it, look, vote, comment! The Ghost Hunters television show investigate Peoria Asylum, long thought to be haunted. During the course of their investigation, Ghost Hunters used a full-spectrum… Continue Reading