Tag Archives: Arvada

Lights over Arvada

One of our readers Sarah sent this to us, and I was hoping someone else heard of this happening? Please contact us if you did.

On April first a friend and I were driving along the road in Arvada and we saw a bunch of strange lights in the sky. There were a couple bright golden lights in the sky that didn’t appear to be moving and were VERY bright, and right in the middle of the sky there were 4 strange lights that didn’t seem to be moving either that formed a wide V shape, and later all of the lights just kind of vanished completely.

It was the strangest thing we’ve ever seen. My friend dose not even believe in ufos but after seeing those lights he said it was completely something else and that it was possible.

I’ve been trying to find information or footage that people managed to take on this date but so far I’m finding nothing.

It was really something else.

Let’s Discuss!