Tag Archives: discover

Alaskan Nessie – Sea Monster?

Move over, Montauk Monster. Step aside, Nessie. There’s a new sea creature in town–maybe. Footage of a 20- to 30-foot long creature caught on tape by fishermen suggest we have an Alaska bonafide marine-creature mystery…


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Aliens Exist?

Aliens exist, and we have proof. That astonishingly awesome claim comes from Dr. Richard B. Hoover, an astrobiologist at NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center, who says he has found conclusive evidence of alien life — fossils of bacteria found in an extremely rare class of meteorite called CI1 carbonaceous chondrites. (There are only nine such… Continue Reading

Fallen Angel?

This has got to be one of the videos that really creeped me out the most.  I saw this a few years back and I was like WOW, that was messed up.  I know it could be one of many hoaxes and if all you want to do is debunk the videos then what fun… Continue Reading