Tag Archives: midnight hollow

Loch Ness Moved?

Loch Ness Moved?

According to some reports a new monster has emerged in the waters around England. The one image, which seems a bit sketchy, looks very much like the Loch Ness monster. We aren’t really buying it and looks like the Huff is just using it to promote other things… but none the less.

A snippet from the very reliable Huffington Post:

In what may turn out to be a huge hoax, a man traveling in Windermere, England captured what appears to be Nessie herself rising from the waters some 300 miles from her mythical Scottish home in Loch Ness. Unlike the typical, grainy picture of the Loch Ness sightings, the animal in this photo is remarkably (unbelievably?) clear.

Whether you believe it or not, the story has legs, so we are reporting it here. Come on Josh Gates of Destination Truth… lets find this one!

Read the article

Yellowstone UFO

Yellowstone UFO

This UFO noticed flying in the background of a America’s most famous geyser in the month of July 2014. The person recording did not noticed this UFO until after the Geyser spouted, and the video was reviewed after the event. You can clearly see the UFO flying in the distance beyond the waterspout from the… Continue Reading

New Zealand UFO’s

New Zealand UFO’s

In New Zealand more and more reports are surfacing about accounts with UFO’s. Here in an article from IBT, or International Business Times (why they are reporting on UFO’s I am not sure) and an excerpt: The sightings were captured on 3 April 2014, while producer and presenter Graeme Stevenson along with director Sophia Stacey… Continue Reading

UFO Caught on trail camera

UFO Caught on trail camera

Multiple Deer cam images from the 150 acres that Rainer and Edith Shattles call home in the Cumbest Bluff area of Jackson County show at least one UFO in several images and lights that seem to project from nowhere The Images were caught on camera the night of February 16 2014. As always watch, vote… Continue Reading

Demon Figure in Hospital Bed

Demon Figure in Hospital Bed

The only info we have is what was posted with the reddit: “This picture was taken of a nurse’s viewing monitor. On the monitor, this black figure appeared standing on top of the patient who was lying in the bed.The patient died within a few hours of this figure appearing.” As always, watch, vote and… Continue Reading

California Sphere UFO

It appears that some sphere is floating in the skies in California. Now this could be many things, but it does look metallic and it is why it intrigues me. As always watch, vote and comment. DETAILS: Witness report: https://www.latest-ufo-sightings.net/2… Interesting footage of a metal unidentified flying object (OVNI) over Encinitas, California – Friday, July… Continue Reading