Tag Archives: odd

Solway Firth Photo

This is just weird. Pretty elaborate set up if this is a fake, and even Kodak experts couldn’t figure this up… here is an excerpt:

Some days later Mr Templeton got his photographs processed by the chemist, who said that it was a pity that the man who had walked past had spoilt the best shot of Elizabeth holding a bunch of flowers. Jim was puzzled. There had been nobody else on the marshes nearby at the time.

Read the rest here: The Solway Firth Photo, 1964 (Spaceman)

Tree stand creature

When news stations start to report thing I really take notice. Not that they couldn’t be fooled you see, but they have to go through some process to make sure it isn’t a full blown hoax. So what is this? I mean they could of just photoshopped it in there I suppose, but away from… Continue Reading

Fallen Angel?

This has got to be one of the videos that really creeped me out the most.  I saw this a few years back and I was like WOW, that was messed up.  I know it could be one of many hoaxes and if all you want to do is debunk the videos then what fun… Continue Reading