Tag Archives: paranormal

Strange lights – UFO?

Here is an interesting video that LVR Debbie Lomanto has uncovered. A lot of reasons this could be fake, but I ask to take a look at it, and try to explain it. This video leaves a lot of holes, “why was he filming the sky?” or “why did he even have his video camera?”… Continue Reading

Plane abduction

I believe I have watched this on the show Fact or Faked on SyFy.  They were unsure of the video, and said it was CG. Well if you break it down, ANY video could be CG really, so to me that is a cop out reason unless there is undeniable proof.  Our Lead Video Researcher,… Continue Reading

Strange Norway light

I am digging up some of the videos and news stories I have heard about over the last few years. Here was one, an odd light that had a spiral quality to it showed up in the Norwegian skies.  I love that people have such great imagination, but sometimes I wish they would keep them… Continue Reading


For Halloween I am setting up a contest to see what people think is the most scary video. We have hand picked 5 of the more creepiest videos for you to vote on. Now there is little requirements. It does not have to be “REAL” just creepy. I am staying away from actual big budget… Continue Reading

“I have a body of a pig”

“I have the body of a pig” – thats pretty creepy. Not only that it could be me if I don’t start eating better and working out! But seriously, the EVP is pretty clear and to be honest… the sentence they heard was pretty darn random, so it’s not like “I’m gonna haunt your ass”… Continue Reading

Stonehenge Apparition

We have another good find by our LVR Debbie Lomanto.  An apparition at Stone Henge and in case you miss it, they circle it with a GINORMOUS red circle. In some ways I am glad they did, because I did not see anything. After the 5th viewing of the video I caught hold of what… Continue Reading

T.A.P.S. Thermal anomaly

So SyFY’s Ghost Hunters, or better known as T.A.P.S. always seems to come up with some interesting things. Many times it has to do with thermal imaging, and unexplained occurrences with them. This video below was something new to me, I have never seen this one and I could only find it on CNN??? I… Continue Reading