Tag Archives: UFO

UFO Caught on trail camera

UFO Caught on trail camera

Multiple Deer cam images from the 150 acres that Rainer and Edith Shattles call home in the Cumbest Bluff area of Jackson County show at least one UFO in several images and lights that seem to project from nowhere The Images were caught on camera the night of February 16 2014. As always watch, vote… Continue Reading

Fireball UK Streets

Fireball UK Streets

Very much like the one in Iceland, this is really odd and hard to explain. I am placing it under UFO only because it is flying and unidentified… but this seems to be a little different than your everyday sighting. Here is the Iceland sighting:  ICELAND FIREBALL AS always view, vote and discuss!     Continue Reading

Filed Under: UFO
Florida Fire Balls Floating

Florida Fire Balls Floating

For more than 30 minutes, nearly 20 large orange fireballs, slightly smaller than a house could be seen in Casselberry, FL in the early parts of the night. THis occurred on January 20, 2016. The objects seemed to be traveling as high as low flying planes at a steady speed on nearly the same path,… Continue Reading

Filed Under: UFO

Iceland Falling Fireball

It’s not a helicopter or a plane, clear to see. I have had the opportunity to believe it is a kind of drone. The ball lands in a garden and you can see that it is as if there is a fire in a short time just after it landed or dropped. As always, watch,… Continue Reading

Ancient Cone Head Skeleton

Ancient Cone Head Skeleton

In Mexico, they were digging for an irragation system when they stumbled upon a massive grave. In this grave were cone head skeletons with odd shaped… well everything. Its reported on this show I used to watch all the time, it is a legitimate show. Have a look and see, let me know what you… Continue Reading

UFO Caught on Security Camera

This is an interesting clip. Of course it could of been CGI rendered, but let’s take that out of the equation for now. This is a broadcast or a professional video. I apologize it is in another language but it does have some English subtitles. As always watch, vote and comment! Cámaras de vigilancia captan… Continue Reading

California Sphere UFO

It appears that some sphere is floating in the skies in California. Now this could be many things, but it does look metallic and it is why it intrigues me. As always watch, vote and comment. DETAILS: Witness report: https://www.latest-ufo-sightings.net/2… Interesting footage of a metal unidentified flying object (OVNI) over Encinitas, California – Friday, July… Continue Reading