Tag Archives: unidentified

UFOs Over Maui

The minute-and-a-half footage from Maui on Sunday is fairly high quality. You can make out people sounding alarmed in the background, and there are clearly three glowing orb UFOs right below the clouds. Multiple people saw this and there were multiple reports. Not sure what to think of this. Continue Reading

New T-Shirt Design!

Introducing a new T-Shirt design from NeverMore Designs. The concept was Created by Michael Seymour, and developed by James Zuch. It looks great, especially on lighter shirts. Please consider purchasing a t-shirt! Thank you! WHAT DO YOU BELIEVE T-SHIRT Continue Reading

UFO lights in Colorado

I realize the screen capture is a black box with 3 red dots. But that is actually what people were seeing. Witnesses said they moved across the sky very slowly over a 15-20 minute span. Then one light disappears. Then a minute or two later the other two disappear quickly one immediately followed by the… Continue Reading

Strange Norway light

I am digging up some of the videos and news stories I have heard about over the last few years. Here was one, an odd light that had a spiral quality to it showed up in the Norwegian skies.  I love that people have such great imagination, but sometimes I wish they would keep them… Continue Reading