Tag Archives: unknown

Singapore Ghost… maybe

Ok so the video is wicked blurry, and the language is unrecognizable. But it is fun, it’s weird and maybe it’s staged but it’s hard to explain. It is called “Real Ghost at Jurong, Singapore” but there is a possibility it was Clementi near the mosque on top of the hill. Like we know where… Continue Reading

Tree stand creature

When news stations start to report thing I really take notice. Not that they couldn’t be fooled you see, but they have to go through some process to make sure it isn’t a full blown hoax. So what is this? I mean they could of just photoshopped it in there I suppose, but away from… Continue Reading

Dead Chupacabras found in Texas?

Dead Chupacabras Found in Texas? Apparently. It is an older story but an interesting one none the less.  The Chupacabra’s was supposedly killing livestock and such, but this doesn’t look bigger than an average Cocker Spaniel. Not that a smaller creature couldn’t inflict fatal damage on a larger mammal, but you just figure it should… Continue Reading

Secret NASA audio files

No visual here just authentic audio from people on the space shuttle and on missions in space. I like this because it brings instant believability to the story and the events. I guess the show aired on History Channel back in 2006, it will be something I will be looking up to watch very soon.… Continue Reading