Tag Archives: UFO

Detroit UFO

Detroit UFO

Vanessa Oliver recorded it on her phone after seeing it several time previous. Filmed on June 3 outside her house, the object, which appeared around 9pm, it can be seen moving slowly across the sky at night. I know its a bit fuzzy but it’s interesting none the less. Let us know what you think!… Continue Reading

Yellowstone UFO

Yellowstone UFO

This UFO noticed flying in the background of a America’s most famous geyser in the month of July 2014. The person recording did not noticed this UFO until after the Geyser spouted, and the video was reviewed after the event. You can clearly see the UFO flying in the distance beyond the waterspout from the… Continue Reading

“Genuine UFO?”

“Genuine UFO?”

The Chilean government has deemed these photo’s “real” in the latest report. It has baffled Government (Chile) officials to what this actually can be. In all rights, this is a true UFO, UNIDENTIFIED Flying Object. But can it be something other than a plane at a weird angle or a hoax? “Flattened disc of brilliant… Continue Reading

It’s a Rock Formation People

It’s a Rock Formation People

Malibu California has apparently been invaded with UFO and UFO underwater bases and they have proof. A google 3d image of a rock formation. There are people who are getting belligerent because they think that this is a UFO home base and that UFO’s go in and out of there all day. It doesn’t happen.… Continue Reading

UFO with Alien Head Sticking Out

Well I was skeptical to say the least BEFORE anyone truly dove into the story. UFO-BLOGGER.COM reports it is a lens flare. So all the major media sites like Huffington, Mirror, Daily… all of a sudden the story disappeared LOL! Here is more information on this: UFO With Alien Head Sticking Out On Google Earth… Continue Reading

New Zealand UFO’s

New Zealand UFO’s

In New Zealand more and more reports are surfacing about accounts with UFO’s. Here in an article from IBT, or International Business Times (why they are reporting on UFO’s I am not sure) and an excerpt: The sightings were captured on 3 April 2014, while producer and presenter Graeme Stevenson along with director Sophia Stacey… Continue Reading

UFO London Sighting

UFO London Sighting

There has been some sightings of UFO’s I have one picture below, and a video. Apparently there has been MANY sightings. Excerpt from the Mirror.co.uk This bizarre object was spotted over London today – prompting some to speculate it could be a UFO. The strange sighting was seen at around 1.30pm in north London As… Continue Reading